Scalp Micropigmentation London: Hair Loss Solution London
If you think that hair loss is simply a reality you need to embrace - you’re wrong.
So many people are burdened with hair loss. Burdened, because of the impact it has on your self-image and confidence. Hair is often an extension of your personality. It makes you look but most importantly, feel youthful. That’s why hair loss is so difficult to deal with. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) offers a permanent and close to painless solution to variety of hair loss issues. If you’re suffering with hair thinning, male or female pattern baldness, alopecia, or even scarring from a traumatic event, Scalp Micropigmentation offers a solution.
What actually is SMP:
Scalp Micro pigmentation from SMP London is the process of using thousands of tiny needles to place pigment into the dermal layer (deeper surface of skin) of the scalp. The deposited pigment replicates hair follicles. At first glance SMP may look like nothing more than a head tattoo but it is much more sophisticated than that. The pigment used is derived from natural ingredients (plum based charcoal ink) which is extremely delicate on the skin. This is very important because it is being placed on such a sensitive area. A fear many people have with SMP is ended up with an unnatural and easily detectable results. The needles differ to traditional tattooing needles because their minuscule size allows for better precision and a natural looking result. The best thing about thing about SMP though, is it’s a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure.
The Process:
One of the biggest benefits of SMP is the inessential recovery time. You can have a session and be back at work within a couple of hours. No anaesthesia. No recovery medication. No long lasting pain. There’s no need to book days off work, miss out on an important occasion or postpone your plans.
SMP from Scalp Micropigmentation London does not take valuable time away from your life and it gives you instant results.
The procedure is simple. You will have a consultation with your SMP specialist from hair tattoo spcialist from London to discuss your desires, expectations and achievable results. Once agreed, a topical numbing agent will be applied to your scalp to reduce the pain. The pain associated with SMP is entirely personal. Some people are able to fall sound asleep during the procedure while others experience more discomfort so managing your expectations of pain is necessary. Your desired result will determine the number of sessions you will need. Scalp Micropigmentation takes a gradual approach to ensure you leave with most natural looking final result. Each session provides instant and permanent improvement which makes SMP stand out amongst other hair loss treatments.
SMP from SMP London is Affordable:
When considering hair loss solutions cost is a major factor. There are many expensive supplements on the market that require long term use without a guaranteed result. There are tons of hair filler fibres which are powders that conceal thinning areas but only offer a temporary solution to the problem. The cost of these products accumulates very quickly especially when they are used daily. Invasive surgical treatments like a hair transplant may offer more permanent result but they are the most costly (between £1,000 and £30,000 in the UK). They also require a lot of recovery time and patience before you to see any results (6-18 months in most cases). SMP provides immediate permanent results for an affordable price.
Is it for me:
No matter your gender, race or the cause of your hair loss SMP is a great option for a majority of people. The pigment used in the procedure comes in an inclusive shade range and is selected to fit your skin tone and desired hair density. SMP works well on people of all races and hair textures.
SMP for Women from SMP London:
Traditionally, when we think of hair loss we immediately picture a man, forgetting that many women experience hair loss in their lifetime. Unfortunately, the fullness and health of a woman’s hair is closely linked to the way she is perceived and treated in society. This is unfair because many women experience hair loss after natural processes like pregnancy and menopause. A great deal of women walk around with shame caused by the stigma surrounding hair loss. SMP removes that shame. The procedure conceals the appearance of thinning and alopecia on the scalp, creating a full and healthy look. This simple and non-invasive procedure restores confidence instantly.
SMP for Scarring from SMP London:
Scars are often the product of a traumatic event or surgical procedure. Coping with the effects these events on the mind and body is hard enough but having to deal with a visible scar just adds insult to injury. Unfortunately scars often garner a lot of unwanted attention especially when they are located on a place that’s difficult to conceal - like your head. They can also be a constant reminder of unfavourable memories so it’s easy to understand why a person may desire to conceal their scar. There are very few solutions for scarring but SMP can help. It camouflages the appearance of the scar which reduces its visibility. You will no longer have a noticeable scar.
SMP for Male Patterned Baldness From SMP London:
A 2019 study conducted by The Bald Company revealed that 40% of men experience a noticeable amount of hair loss by the age of 35. This shows that “going bald” is no longer an “old man” problem. Many young men are dealing with receding hair lines, bald spots and thinning which has a direct effect on their self-image and youthful appearance. Scalp Micropigmentation is a practical and permanent solution to this issue. Proponents of this procedure have reported feeling ten years younger after achieving their desired result. SMP can completely change a person’s appearance which improves their self-esteem immensely.
The Take Away:
Scalp Micropigmentation is a fast, affordable and permanent hair loss solution. It concealed the effects of all forms of hair loss and exposes your inner confidence. Are you ready for change? If you are experiencing hair loss don’t suffer anymore. Find a SMP verified specialist near you and start your transformation!