SMP Company Salisbury – The Full Hair Tattoo Process
Suitable for both men and women, patients across the UK are gaining back their confidence with this specialist treatment. Discover how SMP’s scalp micropigmentation can help change the course of your hair loss treatment today.
Thousands of hair loss patients up and down the UK have benefitted from the restorative effects of scalp micropigmentation treatments. With many patients successfully completing their treatments, their confidence has also skyrocketed as a direct result of this cutting-edge hair loss solution available across the UK with SMP.
One of the latest trends in hair healthcare to emerge today is scalp micropigmentation treatments. There is a wide range of health problems that can be treated, from Alopecia to male pattern baldness, you can get help from the effects of hair loss with a scalp micropigmentation treatment plan.
According to research conducted by the NHS, hair loss is a very common health concern that typically affects people aged between 15 – 29 years of age. Both men and women can experience health problems leading to bald patches appearing on the scalp, gradual thinning or receding of the hair or hairline.
Most people who experience some mild hair loss will not need treatment due to it either being a temporary occurrence such as recovering from a medical condition, such as chemotherapy. However, hair loss for some people can be more extreme, such as completely losing all the hair on the scalp.
This is when they may decide to turn to a hair loss restorative treatment such as scalp micropigmentation to overcome their feelings of embarrassment and frustration.
What is scalp micropigmentation?
Scalp Micropigmentation has recently been established as a popular non-surgical and non-invasive hair loss treatment. It has been specifically designed to target and treat a variety of hair loss conditions by creating a natural impression of thicker, fuller hair around the existing hair follicles on the scalp. It is a very versatile and it can be used on either a shaven scalp or for those with longer hair making it the perfect hair loss treatment for both men and women.
The process of scalp micropigmentation
This treatment works by using natural pigments that are applied directly into the dermal layer of the skin or scalp by one of our certified practitioners. Scalp micropigmentation works by injecting natural pigment via small single-use needles into the dermis layer of the scalp. This gently replicates the look of naturally growing hair follicles, so that it blends in with the remaining hair that is already growing near the treatment area.
This camouflage effect artfully applied by our highly skilled practitioners can be used across the whole scalp, targeting the areas where hair loss is most visible. It can even create the illusion of a natural hairline for those with more extensive hair loss. As you can see, scalp micropigmentation is so much more complex and scientific than a ‘hair tattoo’.
We recommended 3 individual treatment sessions, which will take between 2 - 3 hours and we advise that you wait at least 10 days after each session before booking in your next one. This will help to maximise the results of your treatments and it will allow your scalp to recover in between each session providing you with the natural look you’ve been dreaming of.
The benefits of scalp micropigmentation
One of the main benefits of having a scalp micropigmentation treatment is that it is non-surgical and non-invasive permanent cosmetic procedure. Therefore, it is a much safer treatment option for those suffering with hair loss as there is no need to have a general anaesthetic or to have a hospital stay.
Many people that are interested in scalp micropigmentation treatment from SMP Salisbury are also looking to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections or to cover up scarring from previous more invasive hair loss treatments such as transplants. Our advanced equipment can focus in on these particularly sensitive areas to create the look of shaven hair and we can guarantee positive results.
Our patients experience greater confidence following the procedure as they can enjoy a natural look that our practitioners aim to achieve for our clients. One of the biggest side effects of Hair loss can be a loss of confidence and it is fantastic when this can be restored again following our discreet and professional treatment.
Scalp micropigmentation from SMP Salisbury is much more affordable than hair transplants and other hair loss treatments which are currently available. As scalp micropigmentation can be done in a course of three appointments depending on the severity of each patient’s condition.
At SMP Nationwide, we offer a range of packages that can suit any budget. Choose from our Bronze, Silver or Gold packages that are now currently on sale and start at one session for as little as £425. Book a free consultation with us today!
Is scalp micropigmentation right for me?
Some people might turn to using a wig as an alternative way to disguise and manage hair loss. However, wigs might not be the best choice for everyone and there is no doubt that they are an extremely high-maintenance option for those suffering from hair loss. It can also be an expensive solution, especially when sourcing those with real human hair and in some cases, wigs might not always be the most flattering or practical choice available to treat hair loss.
Although scalp micropigmentation also known as hair tattoo is classified as a permanent procedure, it can be normal for the colour to fade slightly after the first three treatment sessions, we encourage our clients to take good care of their treatment area to prevent any occurrence of early fading. The aftercare service at SMP Nationwide will provide you with all you need to know to maintain your results following your treatment with us.
However, sun damage caused by UV rays and the body’s natural immune system trying to wear away the pigment deposits will result in longer term fading in the treatment zones. It is recommended to correct this by having top up treatments every three to five years and these sessions tend to be much shorter on average compared to the original three treatment sessions.
We offer affordable and professional hair loss treatments for both men and women. Contact our team today to find out more.