Scalp Micropigmentation The Hair Loss Revolution From SMP The SMP Hair Tattoo Clinic Exeter?
Hair loss is a chronic problem affecting a huge portion of the UK. 33% of men suffer hair loss over the age of 30, jumping to 40% for women over 25. By the age of 70, 80% of men can expect to suffer hair loss, with almost 40% losing their hair entirely. To combat these statistics, many people have turned to radical surgical treatments, unaware of the benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation.
Scalp Micropigmentation sets itself apart from other treatments by offering a non-surgical procedure, targeting the scalp’s epidermal layer with choice pigments to create the illusion of natural hair follicles. Sometimes erroneously referred to as a type of scalp tattoo, Scalp Micropigmentation is actually an innovative, effective treatment that helps to rebuild the image of clients’ hair without the risks of surgical procedures.
People commonly combat hair loss with a combination of medications, steroid injections and hair transplants. As well as having questionable effectiveness, these processes can also result in severe nerve and cell damage, leading to permanent scarring or a partial loss of feeling in the scalp. With these risks in mind, it’s important that clients choose the best method for their own hair preservation, and understand the range of options available to them.
The team can offer their expert opinions to help you decide on your best options for SMP by The SMP Hair Tattoo Clinic, depending on the level of hair loss and treatment required, and will guide you through each session with sensitivity and caring. Please contact a member of the team to discuss your needs and organise a consultation.
How Does it Work?
Using micro-fine needles, the SMP by The SMP Hair Tattoo Clinic practitioner distributes pigment across the scalp to create a stippling effect, indistinguishable from a regular hairline. After consulting closely with the patient about the process and deciding on the level of treatment required, the micro-fine needles create thousands of miniscule impressions, filled with natural pigments to replicate the lost hair. Pigments are chosen carefully to align with a client’s skin tone, hair colour and level of hair loss. As well as covering receding hairlines, SMP by The SMP Hair Tattoo Clinic is also useful to hide thinning hair with a scalp covering – hence the name Scalp Micropigmentation. Both male and female clients have displayed a complete transformation to the naked eye after only one or two sessions.
Since the process is completely non-surgical, the recovery time is significantly shorter. Clients are able to undergo treatment without worrying about an extensive recuperation period, and there’s usually no need for medical intervention following the procedure. You will most likely be asked not to wet your scalp or endure direct sunlight for several days after the process is complete, and our team can run through the best ways to maintain your new look following the end of treatment. Being free of ongoing and painful aftercare is a huge draw for SMP by The SMP Hair Tattoo Clinic clients. Contact the team, and we’ll be able to give you clear advice for your Scalp Micropigmentation treatment.
What are the Benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation?
Scalp Micropigmentation can bring a new lease of life for all types of hair loss sufferers. It goes without saying that many people rely on their hair for their sense of confidence and self-love, and it can be deeply distressing for anyone to find they’re suffering from hair loss. Surveys have shown that many men fear losing their hair more than they fear losing their jobs. SMP by The SMP Hair Tattoo Clinic gives clients their lives back by allowing them to feel good about themselves, replacing embarrassment and fear with freedom and pride. The treatment also offers a number of benefits specific to the client’s condition, as detailed below.
Scarring, Birthmarks, Burns and Blemishes
Scalp Micropigmentation is not exclusive to first-time hair restoration patients. Many clients have already undergo surgical procedures, causing scarring across the scalp. Some of these surgical procedures are naturally rejected by the body, resulting in an unsightly picture of rashes and scars on a person’s head. Scalp Micropigmentation has the ability to reduce or even completely hide these scars, as well as burns, birthmarks and other dermal blemishes. Though the treatment’s effectiveness depends on the individual and the level of scarring present, most clients can rest assured that the process will cover imperfections and restore their confidence. Get in touch today to find out more and book a consultation with our team.
Alopecia Sufferers
As a recognised medical disorder, alopecia can have a knock-on effect on the sufferer’s mental health as they suffer considerable or total hair loss. SMP by The SMP Hair Tattoo Clinic treatments can range from total coverage (which would require more sessions, but promises excellent results) to localised areas, depending on the type of alopecia.
If you want a non-surgical treatment to boost your confidence, please contact our team, who will be more than happy to go through your options for a brighter future.
Bald/Shaved Heads
Male pattern baldness is an incredibly common affliction affecting men of all ages. In some cases, this can result in partial or total loss of hair from the scalp as a person ages. Even so, the hairline can remain visible, a tell-tale giveaway of a person’s challenges with hair growth. SMP by The SMP Hair Tattoo Clinic can target the hairline, drawing it down and creating a beautiful illusion of thick hair, shaved down by choice. People will find it difficult to distinguish between your new treatment and actual hair, making you another successful client of Scalp Micropigmentation.
Thinning Hair/Visible Scalp
The process can be spread across the entire scalp, covering those persistent bald patches on a person’s head. Using a few repeat treatments, practitioners are able to target the patches on the scalp where hair loss is noticeable, delivering the specially chosen pigments and revitalising the scalp. This process caters for sufferers of both male and female hair loss – for many women, hair loss is an stress that negatively affects their daily lives. Whatever reason the thinning may be occurring, SMP by The SMP Hair Tattoo Clinic is a viable solution for many women, reducing any anxiety and offering a fantastic solution.
If Scalp Micropigmentation sounds like the treatment you’ve been looking, we’d be more than happy to offer our services. Simply contact a member of our team to book a consultation, and start to rebuild your confidence today!